Originally Posted by chryuop
Now, all the example I have seen use a phrase like "the more...the more" no matter if the verb is positive or negative. The more I do this, the more I do that or the more I don't do that (like in the examples).
Using ほど can I build a phrase like the more I do this, the less I do that?
Yes, you can but it won't be in the same form as in English.
For example:
日本語は勉強するほど分からない -> The more I study Japanese, the more I don't understand it
日本語は勉強するほど分かっている -> The more I study Japanese, the more I understand it
日本語は勉強するほど??? The more I study Japanese, the less I understand it
「日本語は勉強するほど分からない。」 is a correct sentence. A more natural-sounding sentence, however, would be 「日本語は勉強するほど分からなくなる。」.
「なる」 is the key word here as you are talking about "changes".
「日本語は勉強するほど分かっている。」 does not make much sense. You cannot use いる here to talk about "changes". You can say 「日本語は勉強するほど分かるようになる。」.
「日本語は勉強するほど???」 is the tricky one. In Japanese, it would become the same as the first . 「日本語は勉強するほど分からなくなる。」
And another question. Is there a difference between the above example and the phrase: 日本語は勉強すればするほど分かっている?
As I stated above, you cannot say 「日本語は勉強すればするほど分かっている。」 and you have to say 「日本語は勉強するほど分かるようになる。」.
Not sure which one you are referring to with "the above example".