04-05-2011, 03:07 PM
As usual Nyororin is correct, or at least what I remember from my first aid classes for exposure to nuclear fall out.
Yes, at one time American schools taught such things. For years I have scoffed at having been required to take that course, but now it makes me rather glad to know that I can remember things I was taught 42 years ago and never had to use. (thankfully!)
Other than not following proper decontamination, there are only two other ways I can think of that an irradiated person could pass the problem to another. They would have to have ingested or breathed in so much radioactive material that they were emitting radiation themselves (a quickly fatal level) or you would have to become a cannibal and ingest the radiation in their body which would have a few other detrimental effects as well.
Only an open mind and open heart can be filled with life. ********************* Find your voice; silence will not protect you.
Last edited by TalnSG : 04-06-2011 at 08:06 PM.