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04-05-2011, 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
Not sure if I agree to that 100%, Japan is probably the most westernized place among Asian countries.... I mean, sure, China has a few cities thats pretty westernized, but its just a few out of a large country, while Japan is MOST cities out of a smaller country (Land mass)

But I agree, happiness is the main thing, I just think I will be happier if I am there, its all relative, not suggesting that I am not happy where I am, but if I get to go back, i will be happier... though i dropped the idea of moving and living there. The IT field there work you like a wh*re, I don't think I can ever adapt to that kind of working culture...
I just read your comments on the IT field, and (being an IT student) was interested to hear they work you hard. How so? As I dont have much in the way of information about IT in Japan. Could prove useful as I hope to go into the IT industry there....eventually

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