Originally Posted by godwine
Depending on what you specialized in, anything related to software development may mean that your bed will be the little space under your desk.
When I was working in semiconductor, we have Japanese clients. And occasionally I will need to send people there to work with the client. All my staff sound so excited when they find out they are going to Japan, and most of them want to come back after working there for 2 days. The expectation are very different, some of them had to work well over 16 hours a day.....
Ah, right. Thanks. Software dev. isn't my strongest area, and I was perhaps looking at more the support/techie side of things. Although, any area I'm qualified in I'll settle for. 16 hours? Thats extreme. I presume theres a lunch break or two in there, or is it a case of 20 mins to get food, then eat while you work?