So a lot of caucasians are weeaboos and then what about asians trying to be white ? Come on give it a break, let the people who think they'll find nirvana in Japan give it a try, maybe they'll be dissapointed, maybe not, who cares ? You can never change your race or skin color, unless you're the new Michael Jackson, so be happy with it. I too wished I was born in Canada, but well I was born in this stupid country of mine, so I'll just have to live with that. Japan is like any other country, bad things, good things and to most people it's like a totally different world. I also think it's totally different, but then again The Arabian Emigrates, Australia, Alaska, Greenland, ... is totally different from my country too. Ah well this will probably not be helping, but it's 9:48 AM, I'm waiting for class to begin and I'm half asleep