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termogard (Offline)
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Post radioactivity - 04-06-2011, 11:05 AM

Originally Posted by protheus View Post
Actually this was to be expected, as they were pouring every day thousands of liters of water to cool those troubled reactors. Although they poured radioactive water in the ocean, its level of radioactivity and the amount of radioactive dangerous elements (such as Cesium) are too low to be a danger for an area bigger than at most 50 square km of seawater*. Most of the radioactivity was from Iodine, which has a half life of about 9 days, so besides being diluted in millions of liters of water, it looses about half its radioactivity every 9 days.
Also the impact on marine life is almost nonexistent, since the area it was poured in, was already struck by a tsunami that ravaged everything there and scattered the fauna away.
Without day-to-day monitoring of sea contamination it's too early to speak about completely safe situation.
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