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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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04-06-2011, 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
I understand that Tax bit Ronin. However, GDP is one of the basics for how large a debt load a government can take. GDP is production, not money made persay, but what was produced.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. That the US defecit equals it's GDP is VERY bad. GDP is otherwise irrelevant. As I said before.. what is relevant is how much money the US GOVERNMENT has (or can make available since we know it will be borrowing for a long time to come even as it tries to reduce the deficit).

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
AS to how much of the worlds resources the US has acess to, it's more than you think. Alaska alone would be the worlds 8th largest producer of oil if they just let them go for it. We certainly provide much of the worlds food, wich we aren't supplying as much any more, since half of our corn production is going to ethenol.
The US has a lot of oil this is true. But I think you're exaggerating the extent to which it is rich in oil and acting as though it is the only thing needed to "colonize Asia and Europe" lol. Not to mention that a war of that magnitude will push consumption through the roof.

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
The US didn't loose a "war" in vietinam they "disengaged from a futile Kinitic military action"..
No they lost a war. The objectives they set out to accomplish, weren't, while the enemy accomplished theirs.

This is a loss. Accept it lol.
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