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(#83 (permalink))
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godwine (Offline)
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04-06-2011, 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by Lien View Post
I bet you too associate countries with stuff, it's only after researching and living in a country that you can really tell what it's like and it'll still be your opinion.
Absolutely, and thats what I am saying too, too many kids (Adult alike) are obsessed with Japan when the only exposure they have are the wrong kind of media. The obsession stem from a prior hobby, they fail to do more research in the country (all aspect: the REAL culture, its people, transportation, political structure, climate, living standard, history, etc etc etc). Many of them have never visited Japan, don't even know what its really like there.

Thats the type of people that piss me off the most.... The unrealists (i know, no such word, but you get the idea)

and you like Canada huh? I don't mind it, I've been here well over 20 years, but can't say I love it...
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