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godwine (Offline)
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04-06-2011, 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by JohnBraden View Post
I will find/have found exactly what I was thinking: a vacation spot.

I'm too old to change my ways a pack up to move somewhere I can't afford. My medical condition doesn't prevent my moving, it just would make things more difficult. I did have a passing fancy about living there if I were financially well off. That was just a passing fancy, really. I don't have any skills the Japanese would view as necessary for a work visa.

So it's come down to Japan being a tourist destination for me. I try to save as much as I comfortably can so I can make it there every few years. Though the last two trips were only for 10 days in country, I try to see as much as I can. For next year's trip, I want to save up a bit more so I can spend perhaps three weeks there. I despise hot weather, and I've had awfully hot and humid summers there in northern Tohoku even. So when I go, I want to be comfortable. Last October was still too warm for my liking, so I'll go in November. The previous time was in March, so while I was wearing a light jacket (I live in Chicago after all), all the people I saw had winter coats. I have no high expectations of the country, though every day I see something that amazes me, mostly in a positive way.

Perhaps it's an age and maturity thing, but I know my place and my limitations, so I just see Japan as a destination that makes me tranquil while I'm there because I don't have a care in the world. Could I have the same from just about any destination? Perhaps, but one thing I didn't feel there at all was threatened in any way, making that a plus on my book. Crime and violence is not as prevalent as in other countries, so that makes me more at ease.

I try to be a good tourist and obey all the laws and customs I am aware of. I don't make any waves and am as friendly to the native population as I possibly can. I feel if I do that, I'm going to get the best treatment. I know some people won't approach foreigners for whatever reason, but I don't hold it against them. I just treasure and value those who do that much more. I'm not the only one on holiday there, so if I see others, I don't get disgusted or discouraged. I don't freak out if I see another foreigner and treat them like a long friend in a foreign land. If I do hear someone speaking my Spanish (from Spain), I may get closer and ask where they are from. If they live in my hometown, I may have a short "it's a small world!" moment with myself, but that's all.

In summation, I have a healthy view of what to expect and, since I've been there before, quite a realistic one at that.
How old are you John? I am with you on that, though for me, its not the age thing, I just don't think I can move there and have the same kind of life I have now, definitely won't be driving 100K cars and 400K house, i will have to re-establish everything again.. I am spoiled by the luxury i currently have. That and also, after witness how hard my uncle and cousin has to work daily, I just don't think i am ready for it.

So, like yourself, I will keep myself to perform the duty of a "Local tourist"
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