Originally Posted by JamboP26
Ah, right. Thanks. Software dev. isn't my strongest area, and I was perhaps looking at more the support/techie side of things. Although, any area I'm qualified in I'll settle for. 16 hours? Thats extreme. I presume theres a lunch break or two in there, or is it a case of 20 mins to get food, then eat while you work?
Not extreme at all, typical IT practice in Japan. More like 30 minutes for food.. at your desk though
Support maybe better but it will be difficult to find a company that will sponsor a foreigner to do support work. Keep in mind one thing, its pricey to hire a foreigner, they won't bother investing in something that they can hire for a fraction of the price locally.
Lets not deviate this thread, PM me or start a new thread to discuss.