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godwine (Offline)
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04-07-2011, 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by BobbyCooper View Post
Sorry, but I don't need somebody to tell me that I would know ZERO NADA about Asians. None of you know anything about me and what I experienced. I tried to explain it, but I am only getting bashed here anyway.. because, right we are online^^ on an Interent Forum lol

Sorry, but I do not need people to tell me that I would not belong there and that the Asians I met are totally different to the one who live in Japan and No, I do not need somebody to tell me that life in Japan is only colerful.

The only thing which I can do, is to go there and experience it by my OWN! Everybody thinks differently and approaches things differently. Someone might love Japan and someone might thing it's hell. People are different and people see things different. So I don't need to listen to so much hegativity towards my stay in Japan. I am going there my own and I am going to Korea by my own and I will experience it on my own.

So stop telling me I am not welcome there or that it would be the hell on earth overthere for me jes.. just stop, thanks! I will and always did take the advise I find useful. I don't take some biased advise from people who are DIFFERENT than me.. people are different and I really do not have to time and fun to listen to some "wise-guy" who wants to tell me that my thoughts about the Asian culture is totally flawed lol^^

Just stop Jes.. thats all I'm asking!
You have to be open minded, nobody said you know nothing. Your knowledge are limited to your own exposure.

People are just recommending for you to adjust your expectation, because your experience in Japan (When you do go) could be very different from what you were exposed to.

There are lot of cultural similarities between different Asian countries, not behavioral. but the root traditional culture. With the exception of Japanese, they do have some, but very very minor similarities with other cultures. Japan has the most western influence, and unlike Hong Kong (British influence) and Philippine (Spanish influence), it was a mix of all kind of different European and American culture.

That said, your exposure to the different Asian group is very limited, and it only represent a much smaller group comparing to Asia as a whole. Again, nobody said anything about you know nothing, just advising you to adjust your expectation so that you won't be shocked or disappointed...

just my $0.02
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