Originally Posted by evanny
mhm. those are ways around but not everything can be done so. every country needs physical population so money goes around, houses are bought, loans taken etc.
well....im probably going to find out what's going to happen since i am studying Japanese. have to remember to bring this topic up in 3 years
Agree, but we are saying an "aging" society, not a society with ONLY old people. Much of the infrastructure and base operation can still be handled locally.
Technological advancement enable more than just global communication and global economy. It also streamline business process, technical process, manufacturing process through automation and different type of tools. The need for people working on site will become less important.
And as I said, Japan is not having a 0% reproduction rate, its low, but not 0. As long as its not halted, there will still be people growing up to fill the shoes of retiring people.
Keep in mind, japan's unemployment rate is not high, but its not low either. This rate doesn't mean "Everyone who doesn't have a job", but people who needs a job and don't have a job. A lot of its population falls in the category of "Don't want to work or don't need work (say housewives)". Taking all this into consideration, we can guess how many local work force does Japan actually need
Then, we also have to think about its overall population and birth rate... and if this ratio is enough for them to self sustain to satisfy the number of jobs out there.. and we are not talking about just any job, but jobs where they are willing to sponsor external talen (so not burger flipping or tofu delivery jobs)
again, enough hijacking this thread, PM me or start a new thread if you want to discuss further.