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Mail747 (Offline)
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Join Date: Mar 2011
04-07-2011, 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
Speaking of crazy, check this out, it's quoted from my private message inbox lol
Now I'd never say that to anyone. Although I have this obsession, I would never go as full out as to say that to anyone.
I hope everyone reading realizes that that's not a message from me, rather 'seaside911'

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
Seems like you like having a problem, as well as projecting it on anyone stupid enough to attempt helping you. Therapy still appears to be the best option for you, not flinging hoo-ha at words on a screen.

Get help.
I said in my first post, I hate having this problem.
I don't think anyone trying to help me is stupid. I appreciate absolutely everyone who has not ripped on me for posting this, and has made an attempt to help.

Also mentioned in my opening post, there's no way I can afford that type of therapy yet, so I've posted on here to what other people have to say.

Originally Posted by tokusatsufan View Post
No it's not "Last Samurai Syndrome",that makes it sound like fun. If he says it's My Japan Syndrome it's My Japan Syndrome. You know what,he said he knew he was wrong so just bloody leave it. Japan is about positivity. Looking forward. They would never just keep going like this. It's like someone beating themselves up,and then you beating them up as well. LOL I know that wouldn't happen and sounds ridiculous but it's true. What,because I tried to help him I'm stupid? That's a bloody good thing.
Thank you. Much appreciated.

Originally Posted by RickOShay View Post
I second this.. why are you even on this forum Mail747? If you really took your problem as serious as you try to portray yourself doing, get off your computer, and go talk to someone who can provide real help for you. Otherwise you seem like nothing more than a troll to me at this point.
One simple reason. Desperation. If you've ever felt an absolute desperation... a need to get rid of something as strong as I do, then you'll understand why I posted here.

As stated in my first post, there's no way I can afford that kind of help yet, so for now it's not an option.

And, I promise you, I'm not a troll. I don't know what I've done so far that seems troll-worthy to you. But I promise you I'm not.

Originally Posted by JohnBraden View Post
Mail747, unfortunately, the world has become a smaller place due to more sophisticated transportation and communications.

I often wondered why the old James Bond movies had such a grab on people when he went to different countries. I think part of that was the fact that many people hadn't ever been there except through the movies and it was exotic to them. "You Only Live Twice" was the Japan film where Bond goes to Osato Industries (New Otani Hotel). That wasn't my first intro to Japan, but close. It looked exotic and foreign. I thought I'd never go there. Perhaps that's one reason why the Bond movies were different in the 60s and 70s; they showed you places you'd probably wouldn't see in real life.

Then came the jet age in earnest and commercial travel became more affordable and prevalent. Most distant destinations became "closer" due to better transport. More people went places and the thought of knowing someone who had been "there" wasn't all that uncommon.

In the 90s and 00s, with the advent of the world-wide web, someone could virtually travel there even before getting on a plane. Flying became quite affordable and people traveled to those exotic destination of their youth.

Japan in one of those places. The language is quite unique, the alphabet is unlike anything in the west. the food has a world-wide appeal. It has a long history. It has many cultural interests. People are going to go there and see it for themselves. They will fly there, spend time there and spend money on the economy (much needed by any country, btw). It's happened in the past, it's happening as we speak, and it will continue to happen in the future. This is something that we cannot control and don't want to change.

It's a fact of life and people have to deal with the fact there are going to be foreigners in other countries. Whether they are tourists or people trying to make a living there, there isn't a thing anyone could do about it.

This world has quickly become small and intermixed. The Japanese have adopted some western ways and been influenced as much as other countries have by Japan. There is no going back. There is no more "pristine Japan".

If you want to see Japan without many foreigners, you'll have to go to small towns far from the major cities. I went to Nagahama in Shiga-ken, by Lake Biwa for the purpose of visiting the Kaiyodo Museum. I didn't see another foreigner all the time I was there.

I don't know what to tell you apart from what I mentioned at the beginning of the thread. You're going to have to deal with the fact that Japan is not pre-Meiji anymore and you are going to see foreigners. People from all over the world will talk about Japan. I think you need to ween yourself away from the internet and forget Japan for a bit....
Yes, globalization is something that's bigger than ever these days. I agree with everything in your post.

I guess its just that as I was growing up, where I come from, barely anyone knew Japan even existed, let alone wanted to travel there. From this, I always assumed that it would be an extremely untravelled country.

Of course, this was challenged and my obsession kicked in when I saw on the internet that Japan is a really big thing in places like America, and it had a LOT more interest than I previously thought. I guess that just caught me off guard and made me like this. :/

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
i do not understand how anyone can be so possessive about a country-- as if it is their personal possession. crazy.

there are so many people in this world---------variety is the spice of life. go get a real job--hard physical work done with such zeal as op focuses on in his or her world. why not focus on trying to do something to help the japanese in this present calamity.

perhaps fantasy has whipped up his or her mind-- unable to separate reality from such fantasys.
I very much do have a job. I am very much rooted in reality. Just because I don't like other foreigners in Japan, doesn't mean I've persuaded myself that none go there. I even suspect that when that assumption was broken, thats when my obsession started.
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