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(#56 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
04-07-2011, 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by Mail747 View Post
It's just a shame it's so expensive, and I'm skeptical to how successful psychiactric treatment is...
If you're in the UK then psychiatric treatment is free. If you're in the US then check with your insurer as it's likely they'll cover some psychiatric treatment, depending on what it is and why. I can't think of any countries that would deny psychiatric treatment to a man, obssessed so much with a country that he admits to feeling suicidal at the thought of seeing other foriegners in it . . . in fact if you ask them nicely they might even have a special, white, padded room just for you

Seriously - I'll be constructive - look into help. If you can't, for whatever reason, get help then you need to help yourself . . . cancel your internet if you can't restrain yourself from forums and youtube, maybe buy some self-help books, try meditation to clear your mind . . . do whatever it takes really.
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