Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
lol... Way to miss the point.
It's not a matter of me not liking it because it sounds harsh. It's more a matter of you just being plain wrong.
I like it how you've tried to talk yourself up but haven't addressed the point I made about Japanese society being too diverse to label as effeminate.
Yup... you're just another stupid gaijin who thinks he knows it all.
I don't think I know it all.. but I'm not the one making absurd judgements on a whole society of people so whether I know it all or not isn't really the point.
I mean you further prove your ignorance by saying "Japanese girls are not my type and never will. I simply prefer southern nations, for many reasons" as though every single Japanese WOMAN (there is a saying.. only pedophiles date girls lol) is the same.
Do i need to buy you a magnifying glass for you to understand that it was a generalisation, not a statement defining entire nation? I mean even mentally challanged bar of soap would gather that much by now.
But when i see 5 out of ten guys on a train playing with their hair in the reflection of the JR train window glass, or some other folks running around with woman's handbags, i detect a dangerous pattern.
Look man, is it a crime not to be attracted to Japanese girls? They don't appeal to me, wtf lol. There are for sure cool chicks out there, with lots of character and decent hips module built in, etc, but i simply don't dig the majority. What am i supposed to do, sue my hormones for not responding to it? I am picky.
Let me ask you this. I do not like sports cars either, don't lke football, and do not drink, don't go out with "the guys" for a booze up and do not gamble, don't smoke either - does it make me gay?
And thanks for calling me stupid.