Thread: Traveling Japan
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(#2 (permalink))
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godwine (Offline)
Posts: 1,767
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: ペンギン村
Kyushu - Fukuoka, Hakata, Tenjin Area - 04-08-2011, 09:00 PM

When: 2009 October
Hotel: Hakata Green Hotel - 福岡 ホテル 会議室 博多グリーンホテル 博多駅  天神
Hotel Price: Don't remember, see website
Location: Tenjin area

Duration: It was only a brief stay, actually, just half a day, we left Hakata the next morning.

Given the short time we were there, we only visited 2 places: Canal City, all we did was some shopping. Not much of an "attraction", just a lot of shop. The building itself is interesting. Took quite a bit of pictures there

The second "attraction" is along naka river late at night, we were yatai hopping, trying the real street food from stall to stall. People are very friendly, we ran into a group of high school teacher, who chatted with us briefly. It was really fun.
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