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(#473 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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04-09-2011, 02:27 AM

Originally Posted by OzukakiBurasuki View Post

I was confused when I saw this sentence because I thought は should only be used once while 私は would be sort of useless, but someone told me it's subjunctive, so it is alright to do that. Confused... o_o
That is very wild. The only part that makes sense is the 願っています.

「友人が大丈夫であると願っています。」 or


Use が in the sub clause when you use 願う in the main.

More Japanese-speakers would use 無事 there rather than 大丈夫, though. 大丈夫 is just a favorite word among Japanese-learners.

(Using two pronouns in such a short sentence is out of the question.)

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Last edited by masaegu : 04-09-2011 at 02:43 AM.