Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
Haha, I did (though I'm 20). Did any of you guys play Sega Genesis? That was my only system all through the '90's. I only had a few games too; Mega Bomberman, Vectorman, and the Original Sonic games. And you couldn't save these games. I remember my parents playing Sonic for hours and the three-year-old me would run up and hit the system's 'restart' button to hear that "Sega!" audio clip
Then in 2002, my family got a PS2. The first games we got were "Jak and Dexter" and FFX. Can you imagine how blown my mind was!? Haha 
Oh yes I played tons of Sega Genesis. I never owned one though. My friend did. I was the one with the Super Nintendo, every time one of us came over to the others house it was like an unspoken rule that we bring our respective systems.