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(#175 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2009
04-09-2011, 04:34 AM

Evanny; Many nukes today have 100 megaton yields, that's not uncommon. Nuetron bombs can be detonated above a city and have the radiation be at safe levels with in a week. Plus no damage to the city. Russia doesn't have 6000 warheads, since that's against the Start treaty. Wich is beside the point really, since many of Russia's Nukes ended up in several break away states.

The USA's defensive anti missle system can detect the rotation of a basketball in Miami from New York. Not to mention satalites, and no, those Google photo's are not from Military satalites. The US doesn't operate from a "first strike" mind set as much as a "Final Strike" one. Least ways the military thinks that way, who knows what poloticians think like.

The real danger is a Cobalt bomb anyway. No one knows what type of damage one of those could do, though theories range from a Argentina sized crator to burning off earth's atmosphere.

Ronin; I have read Sun Tzu, point of fact, he's standard reading at West Point. Vietnam was fighting for independence, I understand that. It was France's friked up fight to start with, the US got draged in as a bystander and ended up being the main fighter cause France lost or pulled out and poloticians in the US were worrid about some "domino" BS.

Again, I will point out that the US was never fully involved in Vietnam as much as it could have been. It didn't go all out like it did against Japan. Some could say that was due to Russia and some unwritten rule about the two super powers keeping the gloves on so that WW3 didn't break out.

In any event ,even the action we did do, left a much greater impression on Vietnam than it did back in the States. Your average American doesn't think of Vietnam as anything more than a backdrop for a Rambo movie.

Kozyra; I'm a supporter of Isreal because they are our friend and ally. Therefore I don't support any actions by thier enemies, who are the US's enemies as well. Something Hezbolah and all the other wackadoo groups over there have made abuntantly clear over the decades. You don't think we dont see those marches with the nut jobs screamming "Death to Isreal and Death to America?". Calling Us the "Great Satan" doesn't win you any brownie points either.
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