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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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04-09-2011, 05:24 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post

Ronin; I have read Sun Tzu, point of fact, he's standard reading at West Point. Vietnam was fighting for independence, I understand that. It was France's friked up fight to start with, the US got draged in as a bystander and ended up being the main fighter cause France lost or pulled out and poloticians in the US were worrid about some "domino" BS.

Again, I will point out that the US was never fully involved in Vietnam as much as it could have been. It didn't go all out like it did against Japan. Some could say that was due to Russia and some unwritten rule about the two super powers keeping the gloves on so that WW3 didn't break out.
lol... stop repeating yourself.

Like I said.. the USA COULDN'T wage total war on North Vietnam because it would have potentially brought the USSR and China into the fray. Nor could it wage total war on the VietCong because they were guerilla fighters that could easily blend into the population (the people they were trying to protect).

War is not a sport.... so stop trying to cry foul and just accept that the USA lost.

In any event ,even the action we did do, left a much greater impression on Vietnam than it did back in the States. Your average American doesn't think of Vietnam as anything more than a backdrop for a Rambo movie.
And? What's your point?

Also you grossly exaggerate. I remember a slew of movies that told the story of the war in Vietnam and how terrible it was for the US soldiers. It wasn't just "Rambo"

Seen "Full Metal Jacket"? You know the scene where a little girl with a Kalishnikov took out a bunch of "hardened" American badasses? I might be mistaken but I think that scene was based on actual events.

Seen "Platoon"? It's based on actual Vietnam vet accounts of the war.

Seen "Born on the Fourth of July"? About a Vet who returns to America disillusioned with his country.

You dishonour the servicemen of your country by saying it wasn't a real war. It was a horrible war... and a war which "you" lost. (You keep using the pronoun "we" which is funny because it says how much of a nationalist you are as you weren't even there nor were you involved in any way.)
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