Originally Posted by RickOShay
Dude calm the F down. So what if he is talking from his perspective? It is just his opinion. Weird, beautiful etc.. they are all subjective opinions, and everyone has them, including you. Did you know that there are many things that when Japanese people look at people from different countries, and they think.. that's weird. Does that mean I should jump down their throat about it, if i disagree? Did you ever maybe think there even some Japanese people who might look at a fellow Japanese's fashion sense and think.. hmm weird.. I will guarantee you there are.
Actually a significant portion of men in Japan totally get sickened by the way fashion has been going, and the whole grass-eating-boy (草食系) for the last while.
In fact, 草食系 is such a common phrase in Japan purely as a reflection of how so many in this society are amused by, and find the femininity of men ridiculous.
Ironic is how some guys in Japan who laugh and point at others saying 草食系 to them actually have something similar said towards them by westerners ><