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04-10-2011, 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Well, if they could be peaceful, they could live in Israel. Many Arabs and Muslims live in Israel right now.

If they don't like that, Israel has agreed to give them Gaza and the West Bank, so long as Hamas and other terrorist groups don't use the land to stage attacks against Israel.

Finally, they could go to Jordan, or any other country. I mention Jordan, though, because the British Palestine mandate was divided by the UN, with 10% being set aside as a Jewish homeland, and 90% being set aside as a Muslim homeland, called Trans-Jordan at the time. The Arabs kicked most of the Jews off their 90% share and told them "Go live in Israel, we don't want you here." Many of the Muslims living in the 10% Israeli share stayed, and became citizens of Israel. Some of them chose to leave their homes though, either because they didn't want to live in the Jewish state, or because they felt the Arabs would destroy Israel as soon as it was created and didn't want to be caught in the crossfire. Sure enough, the Arabs did attack as soon as Israel was declared a state, but to the surprise of the Palestinians, Israel won. And Trans-Jordan said "we don't want to take in all you refugees." Well, it's about time they or other Arab states do just that, IMO.
First, there are million and half million refugees in Jordan despite that the Jordanian government doesn't deal positively with the refugees.
There are about 4 million Palestinian refugees in the world and they make up about 70% of the Palestinian people, those Palestinians Had been expelled by Israeli occupation since 1948 and until now, and Israel today demolished Palestinian houses and not so long ago Israel army killed about 15 Palestinians in Gaza, while Hamas rockets Did not kill any man in Israel, as I know.
Israel doesn't want peace , Israel will dominate the West Bank through settlements and the continued arrests and the destruction of Palestinian homes, and will control the Gaza Strip through the war, Israel wants to dominate the land between the Nile and Euphrates rivers, this is their plan, and will not live the Arabs Safely in their own land as long as the occupation exists.
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