Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
Howdy, I haven't been reading manga lately because... I dunno, I get distracted easily
One line I need help with;
「ここまで たどり着いた根性を評価して一応客として 扱ってやる」
"You showed guts (?) getting this far so I'll treat you like a customer just this once" [根性を評価して is confusing me; he's saying he values the other guy's willpower to come so far?]
"After you finish (drinking) that shut up and don't come back"
I just wanna make sure I've got this right 
The speaker is doing two thing here:
1. to rate the addressee's guts high
2. treat the addressee as a guest
"I rate your guts high that made you come this far and (I will) treat you as my guest for the time being."
You went wild on 「それ飲んだら黙って帰んな」. How do you arrive at "don't come back"? There is neither "don't" nor "come back" in the original.
帰る = go back, leave
戻る = come back
帰んな is the Kanto colloquial for 帰りなさい.
When 帰んな means "don't go", which it can, the pitch accent is different. However, in this sentence, it cannot mean "don't go".
Ignore what RealJames told you about pitch accent in the other thread. It just showed his ignorance. It
IS important.
"Drink it up and leave silently."
You tell me if that doesn't make sense for the context.