04-11-2011, 03:48 AM
Ronin; I'm not "hurt" that the US left South vietnam to fend for itself and that it lost soon after. I'm dissapointed that the US polotical bosses didn't have the toughness required to beat an insurrection of that type. They are beatable. just takes longer and more personal than we wanted to involve.
As to how the vets feel and how they were treated, yes I agree they were mistreated. Yes some have nightmares about it. Yes the fighting was a tough slog.
My Comment about today is that aside from those vets, the war's effect on the US is exstreamly limited because it was all fought in Vietnam, thus the physical and emotional damage vietnam took full bore. The USA did not.The average American under the age of 30 probably doesn't even care.
Kozyra; Isreal is the Victim here. The Palstians can live in trans Jordan..the 90% of the land agreed to for the Arabs. Oh wait, the Arabs think as highly of palistians as much as Europeans reguard gypsies. They don't move to Jordan because the Jordanians don't want them either.
You also miss the point about the mothers hateing Isreal bit. It all stems from that. As long as palistians and muslims in general hate Isreal they will keep attacking it, as long as they keep attacking, Isreal will keep defending themselves and you will have 15 killed here, 10 killed there. You want that to stop? Stop attacking them.
The USA hasn't stolen any wealth from arab countries, that's a bunch of bull your fed by your leaders and mullahs. We buy that oil at ridiculasly high prices. Your shieks are the riches guys on the planet, you want to know where the money we spent went? look to them. Hell, Dubai builds artifical islands made to look like palm trees.
It would had been easier if we did just move our armies in and take the oil fields, specially in Iraq. However, we didn't do that, it's why the new drilling leases in Iraq went to Russia and China.
In fact, if not for Bin Ladin and his stupidity we wouldn't be in Iraq, Afganistan, attacking Pakistan with drones, bombing Lybia, nor haveing the 5th fleet stationed in BaRain. It's his fault the US presence is everywhere over there. Yet you want Bin Ladin to hit the US again? Perhaps deep down you secretely wish all of the Middle east was Occupied by American forces?