Originally Posted by termogard
Most people here aren't experts of rifles. Many of them never carried a military service. They have no access to classified sources of information. And even such "abridged source" like Wikipedia says true facts regarding to amount and quality of Russian weaponry in Vietnam.
Agreed, but not all, so just watch who you are chastising as needing to go study.
Vietnam was such a political cesspool, the only thing that classifies it as a war (in my mind at least) was the body count caused by the out-of control egos of powerbrokers - specifically Ho Chi Minh, Ngo Dinh Diem, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Mao Tse-Tung, Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, Nguyen Cao Ky, General Westmorland, Robert McNamara, and Nixon (he was a major proponent of combat escalation when VP under Eisenhower). The boys wanted to play fast and loose with people's lives for what was the equivalent of an arm wrestling match. And in one way or another they all lost, even Ho Chi Minh, because the Vietnam he was trying to build never materialized and the country is almost as capitalistic as if the west had just taken over.