Originally Posted by RealJames
If what happens in mainland Japan upsets you, Okinawa would infuriate you to no ends. ><
About globalization, I think it's a lot more than that.
Other South-East Asian countries are being affected by globalization heavily and still have WAY less of a western influence and presence than Japan does.
For good reasons or not, for better or for worse, if it deserved it or not, Japan got socially violated raped used and run through a fine tooth comb after world war two. The generations of people produce after that each have their own nicknames which relate their psyche to aftermath of the social changes post-war.
There are cultural similarities to the Japan of the past but it's an entirely different place.
If you see the "untouched by westerners" feeling, there are in fact many places you can go to have that effect!
Heh, I'm not so sure why, but Okinawa doesn't bother me as much. I think it's just because Army guys aren't really the type to be big fans of other countries. They just go where they're posted.
But yeah, about the after WW2 thing, I agree with that.
I do agree to myself going to those types of places, but the fact remains that the people who
aren't or
haven't been to Japan get to me just as badly. :/
Originally Posted by RobinMask
If you're in the UK then psychiatric treatment is free. If you're in the US then check with your insurer as it's likely they'll cover some psychiatric treatment, depending on what it is and why. I can't think of any countries that would deny psychiatric treatment to a man, obssessed so much with a country that he admits to feeling suicidal at the thought of seeing other foriegners in it . . . in fact if you ask them nicely they might even have a special, white, padded room just for you
Seriously - I'll be constructive - look into help. If you can't, for whatever reason, get help then you need to help yourself . . . cancel your internet if you can't restrain yourself from forums and youtube, maybe buy some self-help books, try meditation to clear your mind . . . do whatever it takes really.
I am from the UK.
Heh, it's not that I'm obsessed with the country, but I'm obsessed with people who are obsessed with it... obsessed with the obsessed, in a way :L Weird I know.
Sometimes I think it may just be Weeaboo / Otaku hate taken to the next level, rather than My Japan Syndrome.
The fact of the matter is, there are a lot of foreigners who I completely wouldn't mind in Japan. It wouldn't bother me if you went, Robin, or most of the other people on this forum. It's one of the reasons that I posted here, because most people here are not obsessed with Japan, but rather have a mature attitude about it.
In fact, so far there's only one person that I know of on this entire forum who I have... issues with. And that person is obsessed with Japan.
Hehe, don't worry I'm not a complete Scrooge. I don't mind some cheeky humour in posts
Thanks for all the tips, I'll definitely look into them.
And about treatment being free, even so I'm still very skeptical about just talking. I've told you everything on this thread. I haven't held anything back, but the problem remains. It's why I would much rather invest in Hypnotherapy, but of course that costs. But of course, if it leads to it then I'll follow yours and most other's advice here a see regular Therapist. I'll just have to wait for when I have more free time, busy time of year for me at the moment. :L
Originally Posted by GoNative
Or just commit suicide. All your problems solved in an instant! And one less nutter in the world. That's a win win situation! 
Thanks for the tip, but not an option sorry. I love life.

I expected hate towards me, but calling me a nutter? I just don't see that that's called for. Many other people in history were nutters. Hitler was one, for example. I don't see myself being the next Hitler any time soon.
Originally Posted by GoNative
To be honest when you look at the real suffering of people from the devastating tsunami in Japan and then look at the ridiculous mental problems of this fool it just makes me laugh. He feels suicidal because foreigners live in Japan? How pitiful is that really? Frankly the world would be better off without such idiots in it. Is that a bit harsh? 
Ah, so because other people in the world are suffering too, I'm not allowed to? I'm not allowed to have my own 'ridiculous problems?' Jeez, I hope you never meet a person with a problem that disrupts your perfect vision of the rest of humanity.
As stated, it's the people who are more fond of Japan than normal, not 'everyone.'
Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the world's just gonna have to bear with the great burden and evil that is me until the end of my life naturally comes, eh.
It's a shame too. I've been around these forums a lot and I like you GoNative. I always agree with your points and how you put them across. My opinion of you hasn't changed however, even though this time I'm on the receiving end.
Originally Posted by RickOShay
Very well, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I just cannot see what you hope to gain from talking to strangers on the internet. Unless just dicussing the problem no matter what people say to you about it makes you feel better? If that is the case do you have a close friend that you can open up to? I think they would benefit you, and be able to support you much more than this forum.
In the end though this is a peculiar and serious problem that you have and you will need to talk to someone professional who can find the root of the problem, or give you the trigger mechanism to be able to overcome it.. Even if it is expensive you really should try to find a way, because it is totally affecting your quality of life, and will be worth it in the end I think.
I will say though that you could try to take comfort in the fact that there are still remote places in Japan, and islands that are part of Japan that very few if any foreigners exist. In fact there are probably many many Japanese who have not talked to a foreigner in their life. Last year a friend of mine introduced me to her grandma and I was the first foreigner she had ever talked to. They amount of stares i still get in the medium sized city (800,000 people) I live in is testament to the fact that despite foreigners being in Japan many Japanese people are untouched by them. In fact unless trying to (ie hanging out with friends), I probably see less than 1 foreigner a week.
But come on though, anybody with a high school education could guess that major cities in the world's.. well now 3rd largest economy would have more than its fair share of internationals. I mean really man, you seem to be educated, this is 2011 after all, anyplace in the world that you have actually heard of is probably going to have a lot of foreigners, it is just something that you and everybody has to except, the world has been and is getting smaller and smaller. You should convince yourself not to be angry and obsessed about something that you have no control over.
Yeah I'm aware that I'd get very mixed reaction here, and I'm fine with that. I did genuinely just want to put it out there, and see what people thought and had to say.
I'd be too embarrassed to tell a close friend about it, and I know that their reactions would either be false to not hurt me, or would just lose me a friend. It's why I prefer the anonymity here, and I do really want genuine responses. The people who have called me a whacko and nutter, although I think that takes it a bit far, will say what they say and I'll take it on board that people really do think I'm a madman. At least I know I really do need to sort things out from it.
I agree, peculiar doesn't even come close. :L
I think I'm just a person that randomly has it, probably because of my OCD. There's no possible 'usual' trigger for it I can think of. I've had a perfect childhood, and adulthood. I'm not repressing anything, and I am a happy person... well besides the obsession bit.
But I'll take your suggestion on board.
Thanks too for your comforting. I do realize such places exist, and they'll be interesting to visit. It's just that the people who
want to, are
close to, or go
nuts about wanting to go to / live in Japan hold just as much, if not more influence on me.
Yeah, it's an inevitable fate. I guess I could just be anti-globalisation, because I do feel that cultures should keep their own identity and pride, not just Japan, and as time goes cultural identity just gets less and less. I just feel it way more stronger with Japan though, because of the amount of people who act stupidly mad about it's culture. It may sound like they'd be rare, but if you've seen the amount I have, I think you'd feel down too. :L
Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi
Get a girlfriend.
I don't think getting a girlfriend would stop an obsession. If it did there'd be a lot less smokers in the world! :L