Originally Posted by dogsbody70
we have been told that the spead of radiation is now on scale with the chernobyl disaster.
What you have been told is completely and totally incorrect.
Most importantly there has not been a massive explosion like that at Chernobyl. This is important because it means radioactive material will not travel anywhere near as far. Seriously harmful levels of radiation are still only being observed within the exclusion zone.
Also importantly, unlike Chernobyl, the prevailing winds will mean most of the radioactive fallout will fall in the ocean instead of on Japan or other countries. The radioactive materials have not been ejected high enough into the atmosphere for harmful levels to reach across the Pacific.
Whilst it may be possible that eventually the total amount of radiation released from the stricken reactors may reach similar levels of that released in Chernobyl it is not possible that the radiation will reach anywhere the dangerous levels that Chernobyl released in a very short period and which travelled over vast areas of Europe.
A Japanese friend told me tonight that they believe the call for people to evacuate the 20-30km zone is mostly because many of these people have been almost totally housebound since the accident. It's not that radiation levels have increased it's just that these people are not exactly able to get out and live their lives if they stay within that zone.