Originally Posted by RobinMask
I have to disagree with this. I think it's entirely possible for a platonic love to exist between two people without it turning romantic. Sure, sometimes a guy/girl might have a feeling for their opposite-sex best friend, but in my experience people who have those feelings don't settle for friendship because they want more, they'll confess and either get together, stay friends or break up the friendship.
Personally around a quarter of my friends are of the opposite sex, and I have no feelings for any of them, and I can guarantee not one of them has feelings for me either. It annoys me when people see friendships between men and women as just a 'front', or a prelude to something more, it kind of trivialises the meaning of the entire friendship (for want of a better word).
Completely agree with you. Having been "one of the guys" ever since I can remember I tend to become good friends with men where there is nothing more than that in involved. And that tendency of women to suspect otherwise is why I have only a very few chosen female friends - they know better than to build their own definitions of other people's relationships.