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(#30 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 604
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
04-13-2011, 05:01 AM

Originally Posted by hitotsz View Post
I read about capsule hotel and sleeping in Internet cafe. What would be the cheapest option?

Also what is the feasibility of an American citizen going to Japan to get a job as a hotel housekeeper or clerk for konbini stores in this economy?
When I first came over living in teacher housing cost me 13,000 yen a month, the place was a dump, and really shabby even by Japanese standards. I got used to it though and lived there for quite a while, and really saved a lot of money by doing so. Now my rent is 58,000 yen a month the place is smaller but billion times nicer, and part of my contract gets me 30,000 yen a month of that rent paid for. So i basically pay 28,000 yen a month in rent plus anywhere from 8000-15,000 in water/gas and electric bills each month. Internet+cable costs another 8000 yen, regular phone line is 1680 yen, cellphone is like 4000 yen. Food/commodities bought at grocery stores has always been around 3000-4000 a week when it is just me.

In all my time here I have been able to save about 50-60% of all my paychecks. I do not own a car however, and live my life on a bicycle or by public transportation.

Last edited by RickOShay : 04-13-2011 at 05:06 AM.
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