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robhol (Offline)
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Posts: 128
Join Date: Mar 2010
"Furigana inserter" extension for Firefox - 04-13-2011, 07:48 PM

So, I tried firefox again today, and I managed to get it customized to the point where I can actually use it - which is a bit beside the point. Anyway, I also happened across this interesting-looking plugin.

Basically, it inserts furigana over all kanji in any given website - I find myself wondering about a couple of things. How does this work, and how reliable is it?

I'd guess it uses okurigana and context to derive the reading... but I have enough knowledge of general programming to know that it's not a project I'd have wanted to be stuck with - it seems that there's always a significant potential of mistakes, if nothing else because those devilish little kanji aren't always even remotely logical and... well, logic is all computers have.

Any ideas how this works? I'd rather not use it after all, if it's as unreliable as I fear... if it is reliable, this is a fricking gem.
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