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(#966 (permalink))
JBaymore (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 197
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: New Hampshire, USA
04-15-2011, 02:32 AM

Another interesting recent development from TEPCO:

"Press Release (Apr 08,2011)

Avoiding implementation of rolling blackouts and measures to maintain power supply-demand balance toward summer period

Due to the tight power supply-demand balance, TEPCO has been implementing rolling blackouts since March 14 (Mon). We sincerely regret causing anxiety and inconvenience to our customers and the society. We appreciate your cooperation in conserving electricity consumption.
Since number of our nuclear power stations and thermal power stations were damaged by Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake and were shut down, we are currently focusing on restoration and maintenance of supply capacity.

As a result of widespread cooperation from our customers in conserving
electricity, the supply-demand balance has improved significantly.
Considering the situation, we have decided to cease the implementation of rolling blackouts for the time being.

1. Forecast of power supply-demand balance
Currently, peak demand of each day has been continuing to be approximately 20% lower compared to that of previous year. We consider this as an effect of not only stagnant of corporate activity due to the earthquake but also effort to conserve electricity driven by the customers.

We are assuming that weekly peak demand of April and May will decrease for the meanwhile as a result of rising temperature and Golden Week holidays, in addition to customer's cooperation on conserving electricity.
Subsequently, the demand will increase toward the end of May but at a
relatively low level around 38,000 MW.

By restoring power plants, we would be able to maintain supply capacity at around 39,000 MW to 42,000 MW. Accordingly, our supply capacity shall
have some allowance.

2. Cease implementing rolling blackouts

Taking into account these assumptions, we consider that power
supply-demand balance will be maintained. Hence, in principle, we have
decided to cease the implementation of rolling blackouts.

Since the electricity demand may increase rapidly due to unexpected
weather changes or trouble in our facilities such as restored power plants,
we kindly request our customers to continue conserving electricity. In
case the power supply-demand balance gets tightened, we may implement rolling blackouts after giving prior notice, therefore your cooperation would be very much appreciated.

3. Measures regarding power supply-demand balance toward this summer

On the other hand, supply capacity (46,500 MW) is deemed to be
significantly short considering the peak demand (assumed to be 55,000
MW*). (supply capacity and peak demand are forecasts at the end of July) [previously announced on March 25th]

*Peak demand of last summer (July 23rd) was 59,900 MW due to remarkably high temperature.

Hence, in order to continue to cease the implementation of rolling
blackouts in the summer period, we will be taking measures as follows.

(1) Measures on supply side

We will make our best efforts as follows to further enhance supply

-Further restoration and start-up of thermal power plants including
jointly owned power plants.

-Installation of emergency power sources such as gas turbines.

-Utilization of in-house power generators.

-Utilization of pumped-storage hydroelectric power generators

(2) Measures on demand side

At present, despite the measures to be taken on supply side, power
supply-demand balance is unlikely to be maintained. Therefore, we
appreciate your cooperation in conserving electricity during the summer

Taking into account the "framework for measures on electricity supply and demand during summer period" presented from governmental headquarters for emergency measures on electricity supply and demand, we will proactively provide consultancy services, information, equipment inspection, recommendation on entering into contract for control of demand and supply to household, commercial and industrial customers in order to enable enhancement of electricity conservation.

We sincerely regret causing anxiety and inconvenience to our customers,
and appreciate your continuous cooperation in conserving electricity
consumption. "
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