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(#973 (permalink))
jugglingtam (Offline)
Posts: 8
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Makuhari, Japan
Tokyo update: One month after the quake - 04-15-2011, 07:24 AM

Just a heads up that everything is all and well here. I know there has been a lot of news about the new aftershocks happening. They happened and everyone in the Tokyo area was fine. They will continue, but do realize that they have been nothing serious (in this area) and we are often warned by earthquake alerts on our cell phones (see the picture). There's also been a lot of news about the power plants being upgraded to level 7. Realize that nothing has changed; it's just something that they figure they should do and it doesn't affect the Tokyo area as of yet.

As for transportation, students and teachers alike have been late to class because of some train delays after the major aftershocks. Note that they were late but still showed up eventually. Therefore, trains will often be delayed (by about 20 minutes) following an aftershock, but rarely cancelled. What is being cancelled are the bullet trains heading up North... so please be aware of them. Also, note that trains are also being delayed because of the wind. Wind on coasts of Japan delay trains

On a brighter note, Tokyo Disneyland opened back up today so prepared to welcome back the hoards of park goers and their mountain of souvenirs. Beware the Keiyo Line bound for Chiba prefecture!

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