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(#509 (permalink))
oeilvert (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 6
Join Date: Feb 2011
04-17-2011, 03:20 AM

Well due to my professor's help in practising my interviewing skills for my JET interview back in February, I got accepted.

I want to thank her with a card of course with my message in Japanese. I have ideas, but honestly feel so appreciative that I couldn't possibly fit all the thanks I feel on a card. So I need help in staging a good grammatical way of saying thanks that's not too unnatural or odd sounding. Also any helpful phrases to enter would be great too.

Mainly the ideas I have are...


Parentheses for the fact I don't think I would say that in writing, but only in speaking.
Yeah most of that is just random appreciations I feel.
Any and all insights and elaborations on how to convey myself better would be greatly appreciated.