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(#510 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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04-17-2011, 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by oeilvert View Post
Well due to my professor's help in practising my interviewing skills for my JET interview back in February, I got accepted.

I want to thank her with a card of course with my message in Japanese. I have ideas, but honestly feel so appreciative that I couldn't possibly fit all the thanks I feel on a card. So I need help in staging a good grammatical way of saying thanks that's not too unnatural or odd sounding. Also any helpful phrases to enter would be great too.

Mainly the ideas I have are...


Parentheses for the fact I don't think I would say that in writing, but only in speaking.
Yeah most of that is just random appreciations I feel.
Any and all insights and elaborations on how to convey myself better would be greatly appreciated.
I suggest that you use what you have come up with. It is not natural-sounding Japanese by any standards but it will at least get your idea across. Doesn't your professor know exactly what your current Japanese proficiency is like? I feel it would be more natural and heart-warming if you wrote this with the only help of a dictionary. If I were the professor, I would appreciate the card written with your own words even if it contained multiple mistakes much more than a card that I would instantly know was written by an stranger.

I am aware that this was not what you expected to hear but it is how I honestly feel. These cards are very difficult to write for Japanese-learners because one must use time-tested set phrases that will make you look like a Japanese-speaker which you are not even close to being.

It would actually have been much easier for me to revise the whole card than to explain what I have explained in a foreign language, trust me. This time, however, not revising is the best help I can think of offering you.

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.