Originally Posted by JamboP26
I'm sure everyone knows my views by now. Wanting to live in Japan and currently working towards that goal. Its not Anime that made my choice, nor wanting a job working creating anime/manga etc. I have seen countless tv programmes involving the culture, mainly this one featuring upcoming Japanese directors. It focuses on an aspect of life there, and covers a range of topics. I also love looking at Japan on Google street view. I understand the long hours (i remember Godwine telling me in another thread) and would be willing to work them. I plan to go as an English teacher for a year or two, after university,then perhaps look for an IT job when my Japanese is considerably better
Do it Jambo and don't listen to defeatists on an online Forum. Everybody got there "Experiences" from going there and actually seeing and living the Japanese Life for at least a couple of months.
I will do it similar to how you plan it right now. Next year with the Working-Holiday Programm and looking for a job as a teacher to get by.
Then when we made one of the most unique experiences in our life, then we can look further. Until then we will be dreaming about finally jumping in that plane soon
God Bless the 21st century