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04-18-2011, 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by Rinai View Post
I believe the thing that keeps me from having a boyfriend is being very serious looking. Or maybe rude. I' sorry but if I do not like a guy then I will not give any hints or advances or flirtatious acts. However, I can be very dense. I will tease back if I am teased but it isn't until they begin to advance that I completely cut of any tie. It's creepy. I don't understand why some boys cannot just say they like a girl. No, I do not like being treated as a girlfriend if I have no idea of the person's feelings.

*plooka plooka*
so u'll go with ne guy tht tells u he like u???

There is no such thing as ronin, fore all samurai know that I am their true master. Also, ninja, geisha and Pokemon in later years.
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