Originally Posted by loveskyliemole
what do you think about "phonics" thing ?
I heard there are people trying to "FIX" the irregular words:
eight ---> eite
Do you think it's a good idea?
Heh. There's always the old joke:
"Huked onn fonix wurked fer mee."
It's meant to show that completely relying on one method of learning isn't a wise idea. However, taking some knowledge from it and other ways of learning (like practical experience) can be effective.
It's been over 20 years since I took French language classes in junior high school and I can still recognize the occasional word or phrase. Having bilingual packaging on consumer items keeps many words or phrases fresh in a person's mind.
And at the risk of drawing ire from other forum members, listening to unsubtitled anime has increased my ability to pick out certain words in isolation. But it takes watching the same episode subtitled in English to show there's still a lot of words and phrases I couldn't pick up the first time.