Originally Posted by Koir
Heh. There's always the old joke:
"Huked onn fonix wurked fer mee."
It's meant to show that completely relying on one method of learning isn't a wise idea. However, taking some knowledge from it and other ways of learning (like practical experience) can be effective.
Is it like...
Hoocked on phonics worked for me ? yeah?
What do you think the best way for the Japanese kids to learn how to read English?
My students can only come once or twice a week(50mins-100mins) here to study with me. I have students in 3 types.
1) Ones I've been teaching over 2-3 years. They started learning English when they were 3-4 years old (and now they are 5-6 years old)
They can say many words and sentenses like...
No way! It's my turn! Can I see it? Can I have one? Can I have one more cookie? Let's play hide-and-seek! and all that kinds they need/want to say... I didn't teach them spelling much, but only simple phonics sometimes...
But I asked their parents to start reading books at home (Some of them bought the picture books with CDs: Oxford Reading Tree), and also I asked the bigger kids to read along too... then for everyone
's surprise, many of the kids find it fun and not too difficult to read English!
I think it's because many of the words they hear from the CDs are familier to them.
These kids want to read books for me... to surprise me.
They really enjoy to see me surprise and say
"wow... I'm surprised! How old are you really? ten? eleven?"
"No, Im 5! hahaha"
(we do this conversation hundreds of times, but they never get bored)
so I'm not really worrid about the kids type(1).
Anyway, well I have students type (2)...
Most of them started studying English when they were 3-4 years, but their former teachers were "flash cards!memorize!repeat after me!no talk back!listen to me and say what I say!" type of teachers. The kids hated to go to their English school, then the parents found me.
These kids were with me for around 2 years now, they also enjoy reading books at home.... but I can see that they don't understand the meanings as well as the kids type (1) do.
They are new... and 10-12 years old.
They are pretty busy with other things like... tennis club, learning piano/violin...abacus school...cram school for math/Japanese/science/social study... and then they come to my school on Friday... 19:20-20:10!
They must be tired by the time they get here...
But their parents are expecting a lot ....they want their children to be able to "speak" in English within a year.
It's funny (actually not funny at all)... There are many many English teachers working as an English teacher at junior high school.... their English skills are worse than me, and also there are many don't-talk-back-just-repeat-after-me teachers make the kids hate studying English...
and there are parents who wants their kids to be fluent in English within a year, by only 50mins x 48 times lessons.
Sorry this story was just my... (mmm...what I should say....)
dictionary said:
chewing the rag
flog the cat ? ?
What's the word for this?
It's not really a complain... but sometimes you just want to say it/tell someone to release things in your head
hope you manage to understand what I'm trying to say!