Originally Posted by Sangetsu
There are all kinds of people teaching English, and not all of them are saints. Most behave well, but there are those who have gotten into trouble. Over the past couple of years I have heard of at least 2 foreign English teachers at universities being deported for marijuana use, another teacher who was arrested for fondling children, and the common "I woke up in the police station after drinking too much the night before". An ALT I know was forced to leave his job when he was seen having coffee with a female student from his school, there are many stories here.
Like to hear more of these stories. The reason why I ask this is, if you look all over the world, society expect "Teachers" to behave a certain way, and the expectations may not be reasonable, I mean, they are people, and no saints, though, MOST Teacher, do abide by this expectation, there are definitely ones who steer off course, and we also hear about it in the news, but its rare.
That said, I notice that foreign language teachers who uses their language skills working in a different country (Note that I am not referring to Japan only) appears to be the ones that break this "image", more so than a "regular" teacher, is just because they are in high demand and that why the requirements are more relax?
Do you think that these teachers also have the responsibilities to fulfill these "Society expectation" as well?