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masaegu (Offline)
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04-18-2011, 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by Masahiro42 View Post
Hi everyone, I'm a freshman in college and am just finishing up my first year in Japanese. I'm a creative writing major and trying to minor in Japanese. My issue is that I have no one to practice Japanese with at home, so I'm looking for ways to practice over the summer. My first thought was to find a forum where I could write in Japanese. Would this be a good place for it? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I don't want to lose all my progress over the summer. Thanks

PS: This is my first post, sorry if this is in the wrong spot.
PPS: My class has been using the Genki textbooks.
こんいちわ > こんにちは Got 3 out of 5.

ねんせえ > ねんせい It is pronounced the way you wrote it but written the way I did.

せんもん is good but  せんこう is better if you want to say "major".

マイナー Many Japanese would not have the slighest idea of what that would mean. Use ふくせんこう.

Drop the comma after 日本語を話しません.

あさります makes no sense.  It does not mean what I think you thought. It means "desparately rummaging through ~~~" as in a stray dog looking for food. You can say れんしゅうできるばしょをさがしています = "am looking for a place for practice".

わすれ りたくなかった Incorrect conjugation. Say わすれたくなかった or more naturally, わすれたくないのです.

You may want to join the chat thread.

Or you could keep posting your writing in this thread.

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.
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