Originally Posted by BobbyCooper
And perhaps you should stop with your obsession about me
I can give you my phone number if you wish?  just ask, don't be shy^^
Nah, a picture of your mom's tits would be nice though. Mommy wouldn't have to nag you if you behaved yourself. Besides, I've gotta make sure you 'can't go out without ending up in a bar fight' after all.
Oh yeah, and "hashi o tsukaenai" (箸を使えない) means "Unable to use chopsticks". For wanting to live in Japan so much, it's awfully surprising you don't know the basics of the basics of Japanese.
@ Godwine
Well said. You're exactly right. This is your thread and you can say what you want. If others didn't want to hear what you had to say then they shouldn't have posted in your thread.