Originally Posted by dogsbody70
how do you know that the japanese do not like to talk about anything heavy.
do you mean that they choose to ignore the unpleasant things in their lives.
Well you just need to look at the kind of things they produce.
I'll give you an example. Weaboos. There has probably been a brief scene in one anime where a guy gets angry at one and Shinkenger Act 14 and that's it. To my knowledge,they have not gone any deeper into the issue. They aren't gonna get really angry about Japanese wannabes because life's too short. Just respect your fellow man,at the end of the day.
LOL at the comment about watching Corrie for the Chinese girl on it! It's an interesting storyline! It's a good example of a multicultural society! Yes,it's China to the UK rather than UK to Japan,but I might learn something from it,you never know.