Originally Posted by scurvydom
I think I've parsed the first bit correctly as 万頼 = Mayori, a girl's name
Really? You sound so sure you might not be willing to listen but I don't buy this for a second. Do you speak Japanese? I do not see any reason that a person's name can be placed in that spot in the sentence. If it's a woman's name, she should appear at other places in the story as well, dontcha think? Or does she?
In my opinion, the word should be
万籟 , meaning "the sounds things make with the wind" or simply "all the sounds one can hear in a given situation".
Regarding the third kanji, I'm still working on it. So far, I cannot find it anywhere probably because I only have small dictionaries.
It would help greatly if you could answer the question: Where is this story taking place? More specifically, in what language is the phrase 「協力一致によって独乙の自由へ」 in the story? This would explain the 大文字 part.