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(#5 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
04-19-2011, 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by hitotsz View Post
What are the fantastic jobs? I would like a job where I travel the world too. Where did they start?
The one who travels the world is the manager of the UK division of an international company that specialises in IT. They do not have a university degree, but they worked their way to the top from the bottom (to my knowledge, I've never asked them in detail). That meant going from basic repair work, to manager of a smaller division, to training in more specialised areas, etc. etc. until they are at the level they are now. They're currently working further in managerial programmes and travelling with their bosses in order to prepare for a promotion.

The others have great jobs . . . social workers, teachers who work with disabled children, etc., but these are jobs that don't require travel. There's not many jobs that allow you to travel the world on a regular basis, and to get to that level (even with a degree) you need experience and training, regardless of the job really. No one turns eighteen or twenty-one and lands a job that allows them to do everything they ever wanted.

If you want to succeed I'd say pick an area where you are talented, and either get qualified or get working hard. The person I mentioned who travels a lot is middle-aged, it took a long time to get where they are. Nothing comes easy in life.
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