Originally Posted by Ryzorian
I understand that part Kozyra, but in Gadaffi we have a person who we understand from a motivational stand point. We know what he wants and why. This other group, faction based though it maybe, is a question mark. I don't want to end up with a worse group than Gadaffi was.
Egypt allready has the Military forming an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood, so as it stands, there probably isn't much hope for democractic reforms in Egypt. Least as the West understands them, it's leaning to Theocractic at the moment.
I think that after the departure of Gaddafi , there will be free and fair elections, achieved international legitimacy, but at the same time I believe that peace will not happen in Egypt and Libya, and now my country Syria exposed some problems, I believe that there are some people who do not like to see the Arab world live in peace and democracy, and there are some secret groups want to see the Arab world in chaos and constant conflict between the people and governments, in order to achieve their objectives.
I also believe that democracy will return to the Arab world When they Arise one country as they had in the past.
Originally Posted by TalnSG
We all misunderstand people at times.
I think you should study Malcolm X more thoroughly before using him as your avatar. Even some Americans who remember him for his demand for equality and his open opposition to the government of the time which resulted in martrydom, don't necessarily think of him as calling for peace. I am certain it was something he wanted, but he was very clear that it was not to be achieved by accepting what was happening around him.
But I don't see a problem in what Malcolm X said , I believe that " the resistance is a natural right for all oppressed , and the world won't live in peace as long as there are oppressors , oppressor doesn't understand the language of dialogue, but oppressor maybe understands the language of force, so we must use force in order to achieve peace "
And I think that Malcolm X believed in the same rule.