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JohnBraden (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Location: Madrid/Misawa/Chicago
04-19-2011, 08:28 PM

Where to start.... hmmm

First, don't create 2 threads with the same topic and body. Don't double post either.
As far as for the topic, there is no way a family is going to pay your way there. Actually, you'd be a hindrance more than a help there. If you can't speak the language, the problem compounds.

If you're only 18, what "very young age" are you talking about? C'mon, be for real and look at what you are asking here. It is not going to happen. Save money and go yourself.

I don't mean to sound crude and rude, but this is not a request anyone is going to take seriously.....
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