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(#73 (permalink))
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rio09 (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 31
Join Date: Apr 2011
04-19-2011, 10:44 PM

I like girls who shy but can be bold, cute but can be sexy, whining like little child but can be feminine like mature woman, ordinary but elegant, serious yet funny, reserve but straightforward.

I know there's type of this girls somewhere, but hardly to find it -.-. My ex-GF was kinda like this, but she isn't elegant :P.

We broke up because i had to move to other country(europe), and i dislike long-distant relationship.

But i guess it was wrong decision i made, cause i still can't replace her.

And no i can't go back and look after her, cause she said *sayonara* + i bet she already taken since this 7 years ago and probably married -.- *sigh*
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