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Suki (Offline)
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04-19-2011, 11:53 PM

Originally Posted by hitotsz View Post
If I go back to Uni and then after graduating, go to grad school for Asian Studies like Korean or Japanese studies do you know of any career pathways? I thought maybe I could be a Korean language instructor at a Uni with a Masters in Korean language in U of Hawaii Manoa.

I'm guessing trying to become a professor in the field would be very hard though? Lots of competition?
For starters, any native would outplay you. I really don't think it's worth wasting time trying to become a teacher of a language you're not a native speaker of cause there will always be plenty of people who'll be better at it than you will ever be. However, there're other career pathways related to Philology, look into that.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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