Originally Posted by siokan
believe ×
custom ○
That's what I used to think, but I've found that there is actually more believing going on than what I originally realized. I do feel that most of what I've seen is certainly stronger as a custom than a belief though for what that's worth.
And again, hitotsz, I'm not so sure about the word "most". While I've seen some amazing butsudans in some houses, there are houses/households that don't have one. I've even seen a couple of newer houses that actually have a special space for one... even though nothing was in them! Incidentally, Butsudans are expensive (although the prices vary as does the extravagance). So I could imagine that younger people might be a little reluctant to spend money on one... but that's a guess on my part.
But yea, going back to what siokan said... there are some ceremonial type things which are done in spite of the fact that to my knowledge the meaning has been lost in time. (Like sagicho or whatever they usually call it). To me that is certainly more an indication of a custom than a religious type thing.
A lot of things that are done though seem... superstitious in my (untrained) eyes. Although I'm sure Easter egg hunts look even stranger.