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(#123 (permalink))
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rio09 (Offline)
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Posts: 31
Join Date: Apr 2011
04-21-2011, 10:41 AM

ok ok guys ... are we really have to talk about man pride ?!! LOL...

I know peoples who really care about it, they tend to make *IT BIGGER and LOnger* ...
I ask them what's the secret...they always answer like:
just the right chemistry and you can add 1-4 inch with 4-6cm diameter xD ..(but finally i gain the info .. will try it when matured xD)

but yea 4 inch is average for asian peoples >>> some have less 2 inch wahaha..that's the SMALL ASIAN joke come from! -.-

5-6 tend to be average for all other races ...

It's just occured to me that perhaps "size" in some sense does matter in Japan but maybe not how everyone thinks. It reminds me about those anime that have girls attacked by tentical monsters, Perhaps that's based on a fear of size? The monsters tend to be "outsiders".

OFcourse size matters !!! that's why they *do it* with objects(i hope i don't say it too dirty) ..